I have been suffering from ISAS!
I am now cured!
What is ISAS?
I suppose the clue is that I haven't blogged for ages and now I am. I doubt you have missed me much though!
Internet Separation Anxiety Syndrome is something that John would feel more than me so I generously left him with the dongle when I returned home from our travels. He was then able to "dongle away" (sounds nasty or rude - sorry!) and keep up to date with all his interests.
Anyway we are now both reunited - John and I and so incidentally the Internet and I! If truth be told I haven't really missed it drastically. However it was good to catch up on other blogs this evening.
So after Crick we went to Oxfordshire - the nearest canal found us walking from Cropredy lock to Broadmoor lock on a fine Tuesday afternoon. Beautiful - all green from the rain and enough boats to keep our interest.
Then to the NW outskirts of London for a hospital appointment - all OK, "come back in 6 months" - yippee!
The final leg of our wanderings took us to Cornwall for an unexpected visit for a funeral. We had a fun journey as the A303 was flooded on Thursday evening - it was not traveling weather. Eventually we had to retrace our journey and go up to Taunton and down by the M5.
The clouds had a silver lining as we stayed with John's Mother and our son came down for a couple of days too. So a reunion and then a separation as Craig and I went our separate ways and left John in Cornwall.
Whilst there though we spent some time in Newquay and here are a couple of sea views! At least I am trying to keep to a water and boats theme.
19 hours ago
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