Sells Green to Caen Hill: 1.66 miles, 1 hr 55m, locks 7, bridges 3, 4.15lm/hr
This morning we had a short journey from Seend to Sells Green. We locked up with another boat in sunshine. Between us we had a good system going and lock wheeled the 3 locks. We took the swing bridges in turn and knowing the moorings at Sells Green were prepared to breast up there.
However there was room on the 24 hour moorings for both boats. we planned to stay there until our friends from Cornwall arrived for a couple of days.
Angela and Kate arrived about 4 and John and Angela shuffled the cars so ours was at Marsh Lane at the bottom of the Caen flight. This meant we could eat out as the nearest pub from there is a fair walk!
The sun continued to shine as we set off up the 7 locks. It was a training exercise as Angela had forgotten the lessons of last year and Kate had never been on a canal boat let alone worked locks!
It was a very pleasant evening as we ascended, avoiding the fishermen/boys by nearly all the locks. I get rather cross as the by laws are quite clear about fishing near "movable structures" on the canal. We have been very surprised that the lock keepers at the Devizes locks do not stop this. Time for a letter to BW? It particularly annoys me when they leave their lines down and completely ignore the presence of a boat. To prevent the lines around the prop the only choice is to go into neutral and hope that there is enough momentum to steer the boat as I leave the lock.
Moan over for the moment!
We moored up at the bottom of the flight - there were two other boats waiting to go up on Sunday.
Once moored we relaxed a bit and then went out to the Cross Keys pub in Rowde, about three quarters of a mile away. A nice meal and really good company!
This was the view from Marsh Lane bridge as we returned to the boat - looking back down the Devizes locks, beautiful!
More pictures are still being added to our gallery as we go along. Just click on the individual photos to see them in all their glory!
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