Friday, May 02, 2008

Sun and Showers - Woodborough To Devizes

8.93 miles: 3h 24m 20s Locks:0 Bridges:20 Average speed:2.62 mph (2.62 lock/mph)

After a really quiet night we woke to sunshine. A hire boat passed us at 9am and then Nb Tickly Too who we have met in the past and has a local mooring. After a few jobs we set out. The temperature varied between 18 degrees and 16 depending on sun or shade.

The stretch between Honey Street and Woodway Bridge (128) was a bit slow going as once again there were a fair number of moored boats. Although there were no boats moored at The Barge Honey Street, unusually.

All Cannings moorings (bridge 128) were full, including Nb Tickly Too. I said “Hi” to Baz and Rosemary was just about to join him. I kindly opened Allington swing bridge (130) for a hire boat – they cracked on, maybe in a hurry!?

We passed the fuel boat moored up.

They had been at Pewsey on Monday at 78 pence/litre

The price has gone up to 82 since then!

At Horton Chain Bridge Nb Sunseeker was preparing to cruise to Devizes for the Boat Club get together. Hmm – maybe there would not be any mooring available today!

A family of ducklings were gathered at Horton Bridge (134), only counted 10!

A short time ago there was a towpath leak near Devizes Marina – it has now been repaired

It now started to rain – heavy at times. I went below to make a cake and left the Skipper to it!

The moored boats started again, on and off all the way into Devizes. The 72-hour moorings opposite the wharf were full of Devizes Boat Club boats but fortunately there was an Epiphany sized space just before Kennet Lock (50) the first of the Devizes flight.

No more room now for any boats unless they double up, rather hard luck on those tired crews who come up the Caen Hill flight hoping to be here tonight. The rain has passed and maybe we will have another fine evening.

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